Beekeeper Education

BLB Honey Workshops & Groups

Click Here to Shop Our Workshops: 2025 Workshops at BLB Honey

Here at BLB Honey we host workshops all season long from Introduction to Beekeeping through to Winter Preparation and everything in between!  Beeswax & Candle Making is also a very popular session we offer during the winter months.  We love to talk about bees and we aim to help new beekeepers avoid some of the common beginner mistakes (that we made!), in addition to equipping our participants with a solid foundation of the fundamentals beekeeping.  Our passion is helping increase the honey bee population through sustainable beekeeping practices and we're delighted to share our love of honey bees with new and aspiring beekeepers! 

We're also happy to host educational groups, homeschool groups, kids camp groups etc., and those are done on different terms than the per person fee. Please contact us with your group request: 519 683 4363

Tyler and Bria Atkins

Our very first workshop May 29, 2017: 

Introduction to Beekeeping - Winter/Spring 

Hive Inspection - SummerBeekeeping Workshop Hive Inspection

Harvesting Your Honey - End of SummerHow To Extract Your Honey

Winter Prep for your Hive - Fall  

Beeswax & Candle Making - Winter

Group Education, Homeschool & Camps