Pure Buckwheat Honey harvested from local a buckwheat field here in Dresden. Every summer a group of our hives spend the last days of summer pollinating 75 acres of buckwheat. This premium honey is distinct and richly flavored, with many health benefits due to its high level of antioxidants.
Buckwheat honey gets its dark colour from polyphenols, the powerful antioxidants also found in red wine, dark chocolate, tea, and berries. Its flavour is rich and malty.
100% Pure, natural, non-pasteurized local honey.
500g Glass Jar
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*In-store pick up is FREE at 102 Metcalfe Ave., Dresden, ON, N0P1M0
Bulk Orders: Call for Pricing
Out of stock? Call or email us today! p: 519 683 4363 e: blbhoneyinfo@gmail.com