BLB Honey & Beekeeping Supplies

Deep Box - Commercial Grade - Unassembled

Regular price $18.50

Only the best quality!

Commercial Grade, Un-assembled, Standard Langstroth Box

9 5/8" high x 7/8"  thick

BLB Honey hive boxes are manufactured in Canada with standard 7/8” thickness white pine. All our hive boxes are finger jointed making them durable and long lasting.  Easy to grip handholds will make even the heaviest honey or brood more manageable.

*Shipping is calculated at checkout; we DO NOT offer free shipping. 

*In-store pick up is FREE at 102 Metcalfe Ave., Dresden, ON, N0P1M0

Bulk Orders: Call to order pallets. 

Out of stock? Call or email us today!  p: 519 683 4363  e:


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