Swarm Commander Premium Swarm Lure
A Swarm Lure That Works
Swarm Commander Premium Swarm Lures are your solution to capturing feral honeybee swarms. Our Swarm Lure is synthesized by using compounds found in “Nasanov” which is a pheromone used when calling honeybees to their new home. Swarm Commander Premium Swarm Lure is considered “Nature Identical” and will give you the edge when you bait your swarm traps.
Each Swarm Commander Swarm Lure contains a scent (pheromone) which insects use to communicate. Our swarm lure duplicates the scent that scout bees release when they find a good home for their swarm. There is enough swarm lure to last about three months and the special plastic container releases just the right amount. Swarm Commander Swarm lure formula is made up of the components…proven most effective by USDA research.
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*In-store pick up is FREE at 102 Metcalfe Ave., Dresden, ON, N0P1M0
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